Friday, November 18, 2011

Lake Bunyonyi (September 24-25)

Alexander Pan. He's the on-site International Programs Coordinator with the Foundation for Sustainable Development, an agency that promotes sustainable development projects at the grassroots level and brings interns from North America to various parts of the developing world. It's through them that I got connected to Kitovu Mobile.

Anyway, back to Alex Pan. Yes, my near name-doppelganger (but he's an American). Given the time of year, I'm the only FSD intern in Masaka. So, instead of having a natural pool of travel buddies with whom to explore a new area, I've named Alex Pan as my Travel Buddy. He's new to Uganda as well. I'm sure he was thrilled when I informed him of his new title (actually, I never asked him that... but what does it matter, anyway?)!

So, one weekend at the end of September, we headed to Lake Bunyonyi.

Who doesn't love a great little gazebo on the lake?
It's a lovely area and very relaxing -- a great retreat. There were also other Mzungus there, which was oddly comforting. Apparently, this is the one lake in Uganda where you can swim as people claim there is no schistosomiasis here. We didn't take the chance and stayed out of the water, although we did rent a wicked dug-out canoe.

I've re-posted my picture story regarding this little getaway:

One weekend, a couple of Alexes decided to go to Lake Bunyonyi...

... where they rented a dug-out canoe (aka Muzungu corkscrews)...
... which they attempted to paddle in a straight path...
... which was not so successful (perhaps due to American Alex's steering? :D)...
... so, the American Alex decided to try his hand at looking bad-ass while paddling.
Afterward, Canadian Alex and American Alex walked around the area and took in the view...
... and saw a cow...
... and looked at the view some more..
... and appreciated how picturesque it was...
... before relaxing by the lake...
... with a couple of beers, natch.

The End.

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