Monday, November 21, 2011

Queen Elizabeth National Park (Oct. 21-22, 2011)

In mid-October, the Alexes decided it was past time for another adventure together, so they headed to Queen Elizabeth National Park.
After checking into their hostel, they watched mongooses (mongeese?) and contemplated provoking one to assess their fighting style (they didn't!)...
... before wandering around and encountering warthogs...
... and different types of foliage and pretty little birds.
Canadian Alex and American Alex looked at the sky and debated about whether it was going to rain (it did)...
... before heading to catch a boat that would take them up and down the Kazinga Channel.
Along the Kazinga Channel, they saw hippos...
... birds....
...more birds...
....many, many birds....
... and the nests of little birds...
... and sea eagles (yes, which are birds).
There were also water buffaloes...
... just eating and hanging out...
.... alongside more hippos...
... and crocodiles.
They reached Lake Edward, where the major industries include fishing and transport across the lake...
... before the boat turned around and headed back.
In the evening, Canadian Alex and American Alex decided to be colonials and enjoyed G&Ts at a colonial-style lodge up the road from their hostel.
Early the next morning, the Alexes went on a game drive...
... and soon came upon elephants...
.... saggy, baggy elephants.
They came upon hyenas and watched them for a bit before figuring out that the hyenas were watching...
... a pride of lions feasting on a buffalo.
While the lions fed, Canadian Alex thought about barbequed ribs (true story).
The pride of lions drew a crowd....
... that watched the continued showdown between the hyenas and lions.
The Alexes eventually continued on their way and encountered Ugandan cobs...
... before reaching some salt lakes...
... and bidding the park 'Adieu'.

The End

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