Monday, November 21, 2011

Weird Little Boys are Universal

There's a little boy I pass on my way home on most days. Our regular interactions go something like this:

Small boy (in a forced & creepy, raspy voice): hey! Hey, China!

Me: *big sigh*

Boy (with continued weird voice): come here! Come follow me!

Me: (continues walking)

Oh. Have I mentioned that the entire time he's yelling out to me... He's also crouching in the tall grasses?

Then there's another little boy further down the road who sometimes hangs out with a group of his friends:

Boy (in a high pitched sing-song voice): hey, Mzungu! Be my wife!

Friends of boy: (peals of laughter)

Admittedly, I chuckled the first few times as well. While it got old fast to me, to them... Not so much.

It's nice to know that the ways in which little boys will try to show off don't differ from home all that much...

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